The Expedition begins June 18th, 2004. Four nefarious escapees from the Fifth floor ward at Harborview are given license to commandeer a Recreational Vehicle and venture into the Hearland of America. Make sure your doors and windows are locked!

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Sunday Bloody Sunday


12:45pm (MDT)

(GK) We just parked the bus at a KOA in Vernal, Utah. Best thing about Utah is leaving Utah. Deserted streets on Sunday. Back in the bus, the drink of the day is Red Beer (Clamato and Olympia beer). Just got wind-blasted and the Baron (aka Waffelbone) handle it with aplomb. Glad to be in Colorado.

(STA) Agree with above. The Mormons can keep their Golden Tablets. Although the gin supply was deleted last night and the vodka’s running low, we’re surviving on a lean diet of mini-box cereal, red beers and bloody marys. Morale, as always, is running high.

(SB) Yes goodbye Utah. Beautiful state, just a strange place if your say I don’t know….not from Utah. We got the sleeping quarters to living quarters conversion down to a science already. Our livers are switched on and apparently so is Sherm’s intestinal motility. Lets just say that if our RV was Sturgis last night and flies were bikers we would have had one hell of a party.

(BVW) glad to be out of land of Mo's, My first day of driving, the RV handles like a dream except for the wind blast that moved us 5 feet into the oncoming lane....I guess it wasn't our time. Colorado much more to our liking,....tomorrow we push for Lyons KS, the promised land.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dui? Non, ces't impossible, nous sommes le pharmacie!You sick drunk fuckers, if you run out of the good stuff, you can get effies at a truck stop, luv.

Too bad I'll be in Seattle Thursday and Friday with no one to get odused with and show my brownstar.

7:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stash here. Funny thing happened this morning. I walked into my bosses office, and she was reading a blog. Apparently her husband is on a trip with some friends of his, they've rented an RV and are going State to State, and recording their journey. I told her, I have some friends doing the same thing right this very minute. Then she said they are going church to church donating their time on remodling projects for poor people. I said my friends were doing sort of the same thing. Peace, Stash Zyka.

7:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Candy Cane? Candy Cane?

2:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bet that their RV smells like a 75 year old homeless man felching Bob Mould.

7:55 PM


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